Last week was an amazing and exciting week!!! My birthday was Nov. 13 and my husband surprised me with a beautiful cake!! my mom cooked my favorite meal and I got good presents ^-^
So here is the picture of the cake, I still cannot get over it! I love it!!! it was weird because when he brought it in, we all stare at it for the longest lol
Huge smile!
My loves
Last Friday I had an amazing time! I met two of my favorite authors, of course you know who they are. Yes, I am talking about Abbi Glines and Colleen Hoover!! Jamie McGuire was there too. I started reading one of her books, but I never finish it ( I might do it soon) because I think most of the people at the signing were there specially for Jamie's books. Jamie was really well spoken, she looks though, but she is also fun and went to a hard time before she came a famous author. Colleen was the quiet one, really really nice and she truly cares about her books. Abbi is all I imagine to be, she is so uplifting, she is fun and she really reflects that on her books! She is amazing. We were there for an hour or so asking questions, then we waited in line for another hour and a half to get our books sing, but all this was worth it. It is an amazing opportunity to meet them, this is once in a life time. Thanks to Jasmine who went with me and we together had a really good time!
I haven't written anything in a while!!! I guess I still cannot get over the last books I've read. I just haven't find any books that really interest me. That's horrible isn't???? I have been so busy this past weeks, I did however read some books or at least part of some books. I started reading Alligiant by Veronica Roth, I actually had that book pre order and I was so excited about it, but then I read something that I was not suppose to read in Jasmine's blog and I just lost all interest!! I know is my fault but i couldn't wait!! :(
I did read a book called Finding Katie, this book is anonymous but it was edited by Beatrice Sparks same person who edited Go ask Alice. What can I say about this book? I cannot say that I like it because everything that happened was not good. This is real life, all this things happened to a real person. What I did like about the book is that it actually has a happy ending. Katie was born in a rich family, she has always have everything except for her parents love. Her dad was a well know producer from Hollywood and was always busy and abusive. Katie's mom was a drug addict and didn't care for her daughter at all. One that the father took her and left her in the ugly side of LA and like that Katie became homeless. Later on she was found by a social worker and placed her in a foster home and her life just became harder. The one thing about her is that she started to help the other foster kids and by that it helped her to find that meaning in her life. This is a good a book, there is a lot to learn. It is amazing how we don't realize the need for this kids, there are a lot thousands of kids without a home, specially the older kids. I would definitely recommend this book, it is a hit to reality.
I also read Breathe by Abbi Glines. This is book is one of my absolute favorites! This was actually the very first book that I read from Abbi, and after that I just got obsessed with her books.
Some news!! I am so excited because tomorrow 11/15/13, Jasmine and I are going to see Colleen Hoover and Abbi Glines!!!