This book is really good and really easy to read. Sadie moved to Alabama with her pregnant, lazy, childlike mother Jessica. Sadie started working at a rich house and she soon finds out that the house is own by Jax, a young rock star. This really didn't matter to Sadie at first because she wasn't for anything other than work, they needed that money. Jax only uses that house as a getaway from his busy life during the summer. Sadie is a blond girl with big blue eyes and long lashes, and of course Jax falls for her really easy. Their relationship didn't last long due to Jax busy life and that becomes a problem for Sadie as well. Jax ends up living Sadie alone with her mother and her little baby brother. Sadie goes through a lot with Jessica having postpartum depression and a baby born who cries a lot during the night. After a little while, after all those problems for Sadie she suffered an accident and she ends up in a coma for some days, until one day that she listened Jax singing for her and she wakes up. Do they end up together? Find out. :)
Jax! He stole my heart. For a whole week :)