If I stay by Gayle Forman
Remember my readbox? click here Basically If I stay is one those books that I chose that are coming up as movies next year. Because I chose this book for my readbox it is only fair that I read it right? lol I was actually reading two different books this week one of them is the post before this one or go here Long Way Home and The fault in our stars (I haven't finish this one) and it is also another one of my readbox selection. I was reading Long Way Home at home on my cellphone, and The Fault in Our Stars at work, but yesterday I forgot this book at home so I started reading if I stay (I hope I didn't confused you) so basically once I started reading if i stay I couldn't stop, thank God it was really slow at work so I finished it in a couple of hours. You see how amazing is to work in a library so when it's not busy get a book and read it. I think this actually talks good about me, because it means that you care for books, and I utilize the books from my library (that's what I think anyway). Now, back to the book, it is amazing! Mia is a musician, so is her father, bother and her boyfriend Adam. Mia plays the cello, dad and brother the drums, and Adam is the main voice and main guitar from a local band that are finding their way to success. One snowy day Mia and her family go for a drive to see some friends of the family, but they suffer a terrible accident which causes Mia to be dead? or alive? this is something she needs to find out. Mia is out there with no extra powers or anything, but she is able to see everything around her while she lays down in bed at the hospital, with little possibilities of survival. This is book is a really easy read, really interesting, and I wasn't expecting any of what happened at all. I fully recommend the book, if you like it you won't stop reading it, plus it is coming up in a movie and you will already know the story. This is one of the things what I like about reading books, that you get to find out what happens in the movie before people who do not read. Plus, I am really desperate woman and I don't like surprises! so I like to know that I know what's going to happen before everyone else hehe.
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