Monday, July 28, 2014


by Sylvia Day

These were two short ebooks, that now are printed in one book. I have had this book at my library for a while and it was until yesterday that I started reading and I finished right away. Whoot whoot! it was actually really good just a little different from the Crossfire trilogy, same as for excitement! This book is about Gianna a restaurateur who is working for a large company in NY. Gianna comes from a very close italian family, and her job is her life until of course a man comes to her life. Jax is Gianna's ex lover who left her two years ago and now due to her new job, he has also come back to her life. But that is not all, he is making Gianna's life miserable and also full of romanticism and love! Really short book compare to the trilogies that I've been reading lately, and I kind of want to read more! I really recommend these books if you're up for something quick and entertaining.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Beauty from Pain

Beauty from Pain by Georgia Cates

I really don't understand this title lol, it has nothing to do with pain. I mean, I thought I was going to be reading some BDSM kind of book, but I am glad it wasn't. I found this book for free on iBooks and I really liked it.

This book is about Laurelyn an American girl who's going to Australia for three months with her best friend Addison. Laurelyn goes running to Australia from the States because of a bad relationship. Basically, what happens is that there is this mysterious man who is looking for his next victim at this very same club where Laurelyn is with her friends. He finds Laurelyn and he convinces her to be in a three month agreement to be together, but only for those three months. He assures her that those months she will enjoy all of sorts of things, gifts, trips and sex. Of course this agreement estates that she won't know his true identity and he won't know hers. This guy is a multimillionaire and doesn't want any commitments with anybody, and of course doesn't want any stalkers, like the one he has now. For some reason Laurelyn agrees with this craziness, and starts a relationship full of lies and they will be discovering the truth little by little and end up falling in love.

This is a really good book, just a little different from the other books yet very similar if you know what I mean. This is the first book out of three and of course I will continue with book # 2 soon.

El Affaire Blackstone

Ya termine la serie de libros del Affaire Blakstone de Raine Miller.

La verdad no puedo recordar que paso exactamente con el libro # 2 Todo o Nada. En realidad no hubo nada tan emocionante que me haga recordar lo que paso, solo Ethan y Brynne una pareja que esta conociendose mutuamente, los dos con secretos que se van descubriendo poco a poco. Eso si es algo que me gusto de estos libros que la autora no tardo hasta el ultimo momento para descubrir todo los secretos. Ya saben hay algunos libros que se tardan todo el libro ya hasta el mero final se descubre todo y zapatelas!! pero este no.  Otra cosa que tambien me gusto, esque no hubo una tercera persona en ningun libro de la trilogia, claro si hay un loco ex novio que no les voy a platicar de el porque de eso se trata el drama, pero nada de esa persona resbalosa que quiere quitarle el novio a la otra o viceversa :/ La verdad si estas buscando de una trilogia llena de amor, romance y secretos estos libros estan de maravilla!

*Spoilers (Si no has leido este libro no leas esta parte)

El ultimo libro se titula Sorprendida

Este libro fue el que mas me gusto, tenia mucha accion! Si ustedes se acuerdan el segundo libro termino un con super final, cuando Brynne se entera que el papa de ella habia contratado a Ethan para vigilarla y es asi como estos se llegaron a conocer. Obvio ella devastada se va y lo deja, pero me gusto que en el tercer libro ellos hablan del problema y se reconcilian y de ahi nada mas sobre el tema. En este libro se dan a conocer mas secretos sobre estos dos y claro que al final se sabe quien es que esta atormentando y siguiendo a Brynne, sobre todo me encanto que ahi la heroina es ella y no Ethan que eso tambien fue un giro a un final inesperado.

Se que la autora esta en proceso de publicar el cuarto libro, lo que no se es si es una continuacion de esta serie o es algo diferente.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Forgiving Lies

Forgiving Lies by Molly McAdams

While I was waiting for the second book from the Blackstone Affaire series from my library I grabbed this book and started reading it. Right away I felt within the story, I liked the book. It's always good not to read about sex all the time right? lol It just seems that after Fifty Shades all romantic books are just about sex and not romance at all. You know me I love Fifty Shades but some of the other books are just copies of that and some of them miss the whole point of love.  Kash is an undercover cop working when he is transferred to Austin, TX together with his partner to work on a murder mission. That's when he meets Rachel who is also dealing with some problems on her own. A huge secret that Kash needs to find out in order to help her. I really enjoyed this book, the end was a little weird because there is a second book and it's called Deceiving Lies.


Desnuda escrita por Raine Miller.

Desnuda es el primer libro de la serie El Affaire Blackstone. Este libro esta buenisimo! Se trata de Bryanne, una muchacha Americana que esta viviendo en Londres, ella es estudiante de arte y a la vez una modelo.  Esta historia comienza cuando Ethan un directivo de una compania de seguraridad y es contactado por el papa de Bryanne. El papa de Bryanne le pide que se haga cargo de la seguridad de su hija porque piensa que corre peligro. Ehan accede a esto cuando ve una foto de Bryanne posando desnuda y rapidamente queda encaprichado con ella. Aunque se enamoran rapidamente Bryanne no quiere entregarse completamente a el porque tiene un pasado abrumador que le afecto su vida. Ahora que su relacion va avanzando, ella esta aprendiendo a confiar mas en el cuando descubre que en realidad su papa fue el que lo contrato para cuidar de ella.  La verdad esque este libro si me gusto, es romantico, tiene secretos, drama y es intenso. A diferiencia a otros libros como el de Cincuenta Sombras de Gray no hay una tercera persona en su relacion. Me gusta que este libro tiene un poco de drama y secretos politicos tambien, hace que este libro sea diferente a los demas. Y el final estuvo muy bueno!! Ya empeze a leer el segundo libro que ahora es Ethan el que cuenta su version de la historia.